Seahorse farming for ornamental purposes is the most recent activity at PRIMAR.
PRIMAR is duly licensed by IDEMA-RN (Institute for Environmental and Sustainable Development) to commercially produce the longsnout seahorse Hippocampus reidi, a protected species of endangered status.
The start of this project, was conducted by the team Marco Tulio de Lima e Carlos, M.Sc. in Aquatic Bioecology (UFRN); Felipe de Azevedo Silva Ribeiro, PhD in Aquaculture (FCAV-Unesp); and Marcos Antonio Freire da Costa Júnior, M.Sc. in Aquatic Bioecology (UFRN). The project is also supported by EAJ/UFRN (Agricultural College of Jundiaí), UFERSA (Federal University of the Semi-Arid Region, RN) and UNESP/CNPQ (São Paulo State University).

Bolsista UNESP/CNPQ, manejando tanque rede.

Tanque de reprodutores

Filhotes de cavalos-marinhos.